Friday, August 10, 2007

I am still around!!!

Some of you have been asking for an update... well I will take a moment away from We are still painting! Dad was off last week and helped out greatly. We have all the trim/molding painted and we will be starting on the walls on Monday! Our target move in date is August 25th... (prayerfully!) God is teaching me patience, I just wish He would hurry up!! (sorry, I am still under construction!) I covet your prayers as these days are long... I continue to work nights, get off and then head to the condo to paint. Ok, back to painting... Have a blessed day!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

38 Years... and counting!

I realize that I am a few days late, but I wanted to say "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" to Dad & Mom. On August 2, 2007 they celebrated 38 years of marriage. How I thank God for allowing them to be my parents. I thank Him for the Godly examples they are to me and to those around them. My three sisters and I are so blessed! The ability to watch them over the years has been a blessing. Don't get me wrong there have been ruts in the road, but they seem to always work them out. My prayer is that they continue to grown in love with each other as they cultivate their relationship with Jesus Christ.