My grandparents have recently moved to South Carolina and I am able to come down and visit them. Our Pastor was also asked to speak at the Bible School where we both attended and I asked if I could assist him with the PowerPoint Presentation that I did for the Youth Conference. I was delighted that he said yes. We have about 70 kids attending the sessions, which is encouraging. My prayer is that their hearts will be forever changed as they make the most important decision in their life.
As my grandparents are about an hour away I had to rent a vehicle to get back and forth... it is a nice ride.

I am hoping to go visit with some friends that I made while I lived here. I can't believe 10 years has passed since I graduated from E.I., time just flies. I was blessed to visit with Mrs. A. She looks good, especially for someone who turned 95 in April. She is still much in my thoughts and prayers. Her granddaughter (caregiver) is doing a great job. The 9 grandchildren also keep "Great-Grandma" busy too! I commend Amy as she has taken on such a challenge! Mrs. A & Pastor Mike
Well, tomorrow is another early morning, so I will end here. A tip: take a working vacation... it will be exciting and you will be helping others! You will want to go back home to get a break ;)
I was also privledged to see a dear friend and her new little 2 week old bundle of joy, and Reagan, a new big brother! It was so good to catch up and see what God is doing in each of our lives. I was able to hold "baby Alex" for 3 hrs as Aubri and I chatted away, it did my heart good!