Hello all!
I know that I have not been up-dating this blog... I have been very busy the past few weeks fixing up the condo, moving in, unpacking, and putting things away! It has been an exciting time to say the the least! I thank each of you for your support and prayers! I can't believe it has almost been 2 months since signing papers! We signed papers on the 27th of July, finished painting on the 27th of August (at 2030). Could it be that I will be settled in by September 27th? The only thing that I really have to do now is hang wall hangings! But I have to say none of this would not have happened for several key people! First of all God, for His provision. My prayer that this place would used for His honor and glory and that others may be encouraged within these walls! Dad was one of my key contributers, coming whenever he could to paint. Dad, thank you for bearing with me...(I was impatient at times). Thank you for your hard work. I couldn't have done it without you! Mom, thank you for your help. I have enjoyed just sitting down to chat where things may go, trying it out and then putting it back when it doesn't work!
Rebekah, Heather and Ruthanne, thank you for your support, for helping out. The only room that is picture perfect at the moment is the bedroom... 

More pictures to come... so keep coming back!